Silent Officer Standard

Script for MetaTrader

This item has been sold: 747 times (8 Feb 2025)

Product description

Silent Officer for MetaTrader 4 is a tool that brokers would like you NOT to have.

It has been designed in response to two trader's requirements:

a) Trade setup and Risk management: setup a new trade in an instant and calculate the ideal position.

b) Hidden stop loss and take profit: keep your stop and take outside of the broker's order book.

These functionalities can be used independently.

Package content

>> Executable
>> Full and documented source code
>> Documentation


> Foreword on Risk, Position size, Stop and Take Profit, Soft orders, Retail brokers...
>> Script
>> Installation (Windows/Linux)
>> Customisation
>> Support


Native documentation in:

>> English

Software License

The Licensed Software End User Agreement is available here.

This Agreement establishes the per-Customer prioprietary license and the conditions for using the product.

Product price: USD 292.30

Product details

Script functionalities:

a) Trade setup & Risk management: setup a new trade in an instant and calculate the ideal position:
The script allows setting up a new trade in an instant and calculate the ideal position.
Based on a Risk, expressed in the account’s currency (for ex. number of dollars), and based on an Order Price Line and a Stop Loss Price Line, calculate the order size before passing this order.
Based on a Take Profit Price Line, calculate the expected profit (in account's currency).
Risk and Money management should be the essential key in any trading system. This tool allows to calculate the ideal size and to check if the trade should be taken.
If an order already exists, or if an order is created, either market or pending, the Order Price Line is replaced by the order’s price.

b) Hidden stop loss and take profit: keep your stop and take outside of the broker's order book:
If the Auto-Close parameter is switched on and there is an opened market order, then the order will be closed if either the Stop Loss Price Line or the Take Profit Price Line is reached. Your "soft orders" remain hidden from the broker at all times.
Keeping trade’s expectations and risk-tolerance private should always be included in a trading system, especially when contracting with retail brokers. Whether you trade with retail forex, spread betting or pseudo-ECN brokers, hard Stop and hard Take orders (i.e. Stop and Take values added to a MT trade) are red flags for brokers who try stop hunting and trades reconciliation.

The Stop Loss Price Line and the Take Profit Price Line can also be used as a trailing exit if you use trailing stop or trailing take strategies.

Silent Officer is a tool that should be part of all trading plans using MetaTrader. Count on this tool to keep your trading plan running smoothly trade in, trade out.

The script is easy to use and customisable.

Difference between Silent Officer Standard and Silent Officer Extended:

The Extended version offers:
>> all functionalities of the Standard version
>> plus silent (offline) pending orders – Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop.

Implementing a policy of soft pending orders avoids broker’s stop hunting and limit avoidance.
When you buy the Extended version, you also get the Standard version if you wish to use them separately.

Package content:

Standard Extended
Silent Officer STD executable (.ex4) X X
Silent Officer STD source code (.mql) X X
Silent Officer EXT executable (.ex4) X
Silent Officer EXT source code (.mql) X
Silent Officer documentation X X


As delivered, the instruments that Silent Officer handles correctly for position sizing and take-profit/stop-loss calculations are Currency pairs, Stock CFDs and Index CFDs. It can be customised to handle other instruments as detailed in the documentation.
The documentation includes advice on how to customise the script for either other instruments or those brokers that have not adopted standard instrument names. However, as delivered the script has been tested with a number of well-known brokers.


A documentation is provided with this indicator, on top of the executable and this MQL code, at the time of purchase.
Please read it first and refer to it.
Customer support is available as described in the documentation.

Documentation preview:

Click here for a documentation sample. This is a truncated version.


The Documentation is provided in native English.
The code is documented in English.


The programme has been tested in a variety of MetaTrader distributions (JFD, Corespread, Oanda, FXCM etc) as well as under Linux or Windows.


See screenshots below.

Tool parametrisation:

Note: the number of paramaters is kept to a minimum, this is aligned to the script's objective to automate your Risk management in a quick and efficient way.

CheckInterval Amount of seconds (e.g. 0.1) after which the script checking any change in the position of lines, market order created or price below/over StopLossLine/TakeProfitLine.
Risk Amount of tolerated Risk on a new trade (e.g. 107) expressed in account's base currency. If the Risk defined in your plan for this trade should be 1% of your current account's balance, then apply this 1% to the balance and enter the resulting value.
AutoClose If set to true, the script will automatically close a market order (if there is one) when the current Ask/Bid price is below/above the StopLossLine or TakeProfitLine
OrderPriceLineLevel An optional initial value to initialise the OrderPriceLine on the chart. This value will not be used if a market or pending order exists when the script is launched.
StopLossLineLevel An optional initial value to initialise the StopLossLine on the chart.
TakeProfitLineLevel An optional initial value to initialise the TakeProfitLine on the chart.


After payment through Paypal, you immediately receive a permanent link to the download page.

Coding & Programming

Please refer to the Coding & Programming page for a statement on product quality.
Trading requires an enormous amount of time spent in market research. Do not waste your time with dubious tools or dirty code. To build a growing profit, start with a clean basis.

Refunds / Returns:

Return or refund would be acceptable only by direct contact to the seller, on proof of malfunctioning of the purchased software, after customer support has been used.

Product price: 292.30 USD

Notice: By proceeding with the purchase, you are agreeing with the Licensed Software End User Agreement.


The following screenshots are from using the Standard and Extended versions.

hidden stop loss, hidden take profit, soft order, trailing stop loss, hide trade logic from broker. metatrader broker. broker metatrader 4. mt4 brokers. forex broker. metatrader stock broker. metatrader expert advisor. metatrader script. MQL expert advisor. MQL script. MQL4 expert advisor. MQL4 script. metatrader 4 indicator. mql indicator. macd indicator mt4. forex macd indicator. macd indicator mt4. macd indicator explained. macd metatrader 4. color macd indicator. metatrader expert advisor trailing stop. mt4 expert advisor trailing stop. Trailing Stop EAs for MT4. Amazing Trailing Stop EA. mt4 trailing stop script. mt4 ea trailing stop loss. trailing stop mt4 mobile. silent tracker expert. silent officer script. silent manager. Traditional MACD. Impulse indicator.